6 Easy Ways to Repurpose Video Content for Your Business

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In recent years, many companies have made extensive use of video marketing because people are known to engage with video content more than any other type of media. For this reason, video marketers go above and beyond in producing quality videos.

While videos are highly effective, it’s unfortunate that it’s only a matter of time before audiences will get tired of a specific video. Additionally, it’s difficult to branch out of the same video format and make a different video that’s just as captivating. This is where repurposing video content comes in because it allows marketers to recycle the same videos and present them in a new light. In turn, new audiences can be reeled in, while at the same time, old audiences will pay attention because it won’t take up too much of their time.

Not many video marketers know how to repurpose their video content, so we list down some valuable tips in this article. Read on below to get started.

#1 – Splice Videos to Convert Them into Teasers

When it comes to video content, a standard format would be a non-stop video about two to five minutes long. When you make a video like this, there’s nothing wrong with it. But it’s also good to splice up the video into several ones that you can use for different purposes.

Video castings, for instance, can be spliced into teasers, which will serve as an excellent way to promote your video while the main video is still in production. A teaser can be one to two minutes long, accompanied by a call to action.

#2 – Include Video Conference Recordings in New Videos

While new videos are great, it’s also good to include video conference recordings. Many companies are using video conferencing software to connect with customers and prospects. An added value is that these videos can be repurposed since you can use them and merge them into other videos.

The best way to do this is to take a moment of a video conference recording and show it in a new video about a topic related to it. This will give the video a new level of context, and the video will be more effective in driving traffic to the website.

#3 – Convert Videos into Audio Podcasts

Video marketing is great for capturing the attention of your audience. But what if your audience is too busy to watch videos? That’s where audio podcasts come in. While most people are well-acquainted with podcasts, few are familiar with video podcasts. You shouldn’t worry, as it’s not such a difficult task to convert a video into an audio one. You could also connect with an audio transcription service to achieve this.

#4 – Repackage Videos as Blog Posts

If you’ve made a video that’s supposed to be an introduction, background, or overview of a product or service, you can make a blog post out of it. Doing so will help eliminate the problem of short attention spans. If a reader finds a blog post easier to read than a video, you should use a blog post.

Alternatively, you can do it in reverse. You can turn a blog post into a video if you have a blog post. It’s also a good idea to use the video camera on your laptop or smartphone to record yourself explaining. After all, many people are more accustomed to seeing someone’s face than hearing a voice.

#5 – Remake FAQs as a Video

When you have a list of common questions people have, you can remake it into a video format. This is an excellent way to repurpose the FAQ section so you can make a short video to answer the most common questions that people have. It’s good to answer these questions in a video format, especially when writing a long-form response or a blog post.

#6 – Turn Customer Testimonials into Videos

Video testimonials are powerful because they help build confidence in your audience. A video testimonial also looks good because it’s visual to the audience. However, you can also take customer testimonials and turn them into a short video, which you can generally use on your sales page or landing page.


Video marketing is highly effective because of how engaging it is. But you can take things a step further by using repurposed video content because it allows marketers to convert their videos into other formats that can still engage an audience. This way, the company can keep up with changing demands of the video marketing landscape.

If you’re looking for a YouTube editing service, Editing Machine is for you! Our editors will ensure that you’ll get a quality video for an affordable price and reasonable rates. Reach out to us today and see how we can help!

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