Things to Consider when Choosing a YouTube Video Editor

Editing for Youtube

Before you decide to start creating videos for YouTube, you need to decide what software suite will best meet your needs. So many different software titles are available that it can be hard to pick the right one. This article will help you pick a video editor by examining the key things you need to evaluate when considering different programs.

Things to Consider when Choosing a YouTube Video Editor

1 – Your Budget

This one is really important. You don’t want to spend a lot of money getting a great editor only to find out that you are not happy with the results. Because of this, it’s important that you find a free trial version or a free version of the software to test it out.

2 – The Tools Included

Will you be creating shorter videos or longer videos? Will you need to add text or create credits? If so, will the software you are considering allow you to do that easily?

3 – The Learning Curve

How easy is the software to learn? Some editors are not easy to understand. You want to make sure that it is user friendly to use and that it will not take you days to get used to.

4 – Support

If you have trouble with the software, will they be able to help you? Do they have a user forum where you can get help?

5 – Video Format Support

You want to make sure the software you choose is able to edit videos in the format that you want to upload to YouTube.

6 – Compatibility Issues

If you plan to use the video editor with your Mac and Windows PC, find out if it is able to work on both operating systems.

7 – Download Time

How long does it take for the video editor to download? This can make a difference in how quickly you can get started with it.

8 – Special Effects, Music, and Other Options

You want to make sure that the video editor you choose has all the features that you want. Some editors come with music already available for you to use. Others have special effects built-in.

9 – Advanced Editing Tools

You will want to make sure that the video editor you choose has all the advanced editing tools that you might ever need. This will help you be able to make videos of the highest quality.

10 – Customer Reviews

Read some online customer reviews to see what other people are saying about the video editor you are considering.


A good video editor will help you create high-quality videos that are easy to edit and that look great. Make sure to use the information you have learned in this article to help you choose a video editor that will help you make great videos. Now that you know what to look for, you will be able to get the best software for the money. Hopefully, this article will help you choose a video editor that meets all your needs. Now that you have read this article, you can begin to narrow down your options. 

If you are ever in need of a video editor, Editing Machine has what you are looking for! Our editing service helps YouTubers gain back time, so they can focus on creating more and better quality content. Check us out today!

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