6 Tips to Make Your Videos Trending on YouTube


Making your video trend on YouTube takes more than luck. It is also a matter of strategic planning. Investing in longer, relatively high quality YouTube videos, and then posting regularly, and having a well-maintained YouTube channel are all important factors in making your video a top trend. If your YouTube channel is your primary source of income, you must ensure that you are producing quality content and providing market-relevant videos. Otherwise, it will be extremely difficult for you to stand out from the crowd and seize the opportunities that come your way.

Your goal should be to create a unique identity, rather than simply making videos. It takes a lot to make a good video that will go viral. And the YouTube algorithm has to play a significant role in this.

What are some of the most important factors that YouTube algorithms take into account when evaluating a video?

Watch time:


You’re probably aware that YouTube’s algorithms are updated on a regular basis. The watch time of a video, according to these algorithms, is critical in making it the top trend. The longer the video has been watched and the more time it has been played, the more likely it is to get to the top.

Video Length:


It is commonly stated that viewers prefer shorter videos to longer ones. However, in light of the current situation, longer videos have a more positive effect on the stats of your channel overall, aside from playing a role in making it trending. According to a recent study, videos lasting between 5 and 10 minutes perform better than videos less than 5 minutes.

Channel Consistency:

YouTube believes in promoting the entire channel rather than a single video. So, if you’re dedicated to your channel and post regularly, there’s a good chance that YouTube will place your video in the “suggested videos” of viewers, and if they like your content, they’ll want to see more of it.

Why does all of this matter in making one video trend? YouTube is looking for content that will both attract new viewers and keep them on the platform for as long as possible. So, heed our suggestions to make your videos a success.

Tips to Get Your Videos Trending:

Here are a few pointers to help you improve your video production skills. With these tips, you’ll have a good idea of how to rank your videos more effectively.

  • Engage Your Audience on Each Social Media Platform
  • Create Longer Videos
  • Be Consistent
  • Create a Playlist for Autoplay
  • Optimise Your Title, Descriptions, & Tags
  • Stick With Your Brand’s Image
  • Set Your Video Up for Success

Engage Your Audience on Each Social Media Platform:

The first three days after you upload your video are crucial. The number of views you receive in these three days determines the fate of your video. So, in order to get noticed and increase your views, inform your subscribers on each of your social media platforms to go watch your newly uploaded video. Repeat this process each time you upload a video.

 Prefer Long Videos Over Short Ones:

The benefit of making longer videos is that if you choose your style wisely, you will have a chance to hook your audience into watching your video until the end. The longer they stay on your channel or watch your video, the better your statistics will be.

Be Consistent:

As previously stated, the more dedicated you are to your channel and the more frequently you upload, the more likely it is that your videos will trend. Consistently posting new videos will keep your audience interested in your content and will keep them subscribed to your channel.

Create a Playlist for Autoplay:


Making a playlist of likely-themed videos is also a wise step. This makes it easier for your subscribers because they no longer have to type and search for your specific videos.  Looping your videos will increase watch time, which will help your videos perform better.

Optimise Your Title, Descriptions, & Tags:

All of these search engines operate according to optimization principles. Your video’s title should be thoughtful and reflect the theme of your video. The video description informs your viewers about what they will see in the video. Furthermore, the tags assist the search engine in better understanding your video. A well-optimised title, description, and tags assist the search engine in ranking your video appropriately.

Stick With Your Brand’s Image:

If you’re trying any variation in your video and you’re not sure about it, seek advice from a professional. Our team of editors at Editing Machine will not only advise you on incorporating new styles into your videos, but will also edit them for you. Our team has worked on thousands of videos and is familiar with a variety of styles. Better than uploading a video you’re unsure about, give us a shot; we guarantee you won’t be disappointed. Because your videos are an extension of your brand, you must ensure that the communication is consistent. That way, you won’t alienate your existing audience.

Set Your Videos Up for Success:

When you step into making something you opt to set bigger goals for yourself over time. You never start over to settle for less. The same is true for your YouTube channel. Before starting a YouTube channel, develop a refined marketing strategy to help you reach new heights of success. If you’re well prepared for something ahead of time, even if the circumstances are quite different from what you anticipated, you’ll know how to pull yourself out of the pit.

Understanding what approaches you need to take in order to make your channel stand out will help you a lot in the long run. You want to promote your content as effectively as possible because it is the face of your brand. We hope that this article was useful to you, and if you want to learn more about managing YouTube channels, visit our blog. Furthermore, if you need any assistance with your videos, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

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